Get professional support for your KiCad installation
Trying to accomplish something with KiCad? From basics wiring to high-speed impedance matching, KiPro has you covered. Your designers and engineers can get their answers quickly, with no hassles, from IPC CID certified engineers.
With KiPro, you can get back up and running quickly. And when you find something in your workflow that KiCad needs to do better, we handle that too!
Get both usage support and bug fixes in one location.
With KiPro, if your EDA tool isn’t working to expectations, we will fix it. Help is just an e-mail or post away. We can fix bugs in the code and get you a tested, working version quickly.
KiPro brings additional developer resources to the KiCad project. Our time is driven by the features most requested by our active subscriber base. A KiPro subscription adds your needs and priorities to our list.
We don’t direct the KiCad development. We make it happen faster.
Need a specific feature on your timeline? Request a custom quote today!
Easily capture even the most complex schematics with our advanced, hierarchical schematic capture program Eeschema.
There are no sheet count limits with KiCad, so organize your schematic without worrying about artificial limitations.
Create and manage your shop’s libraries with the integrated LibEdit component editor. Start from KiCad’s existing 14,000 component library or build your own.
Either way, KiPro will help ensure you have a robust and stable library management system.
Transform your circuits in real time, following DRC constraints and existing circuitry. KiCad’s advanced circuit layout software Pcbnew provides your business with the ability to design and modify your circuit board layouts quickly.
Even complex boards with up to 32 signal layers and unlimited components can be routed quickly and easily.
See your circuit board in three dimensions while you edit. KiCad supports industry-standard STEP, IGES and VRML model files.
Generate presentation-quality, realistic images in seconds with KiCad’s built-in raytracing engine.
KiCad features a fully standards- compatible Gerber and Gerber-X2 export engine. It can also export footprint X/Y/Rotation data and IPC-D-356 netlists.